
Free Concert Series


Donors to densmore's 2023-2024 capital campaign

We raised over $100,000 and put a new roof on Densmore Church!

We can’t thank you enough! 


$5,000 or more


Eileen and Michael George

Polly and William McKeon in memory of Patricia O’Brien Finch 1921-2011

Jack Woodward

Northern New York Community Foundation


$1,000 – $4,999


Butch and Patti Allen

Bud and Diane Ames

Mary Hannah Arnot in memory of Randy Arnot

The Family of Dawn and Merle Brown

Irene and Tom Carman

Catrine and Peter Charron

Robert and Sandra Ciasulli in memory of Stephen Ciasulli

Marguerite Cleary

Patricia Constable

Siobhan Creem

R.J. Dietz and Kris Kratzert

The Durand Family

Daniel J. French

Hugh and Zola Fulmer

Paul and Sandy Garrett

Annie and Dr. Edward Gillett in loving memory of Jane T. Gillett

Richard and Erin Greene

Cathy and Bill Haller

Jane and Kevin Heffron

Tom and Eileen Henion

Manny and Vicki Jerome

Peggy and Dan LeKander in honor of Manny and Vicki Jerome

Don Lovelace

Carolyn and Lloyd Martin in memory of Molly and Lloyd Martin

Andrew and Jeanine McNally Charitable Foundation

Carrie McNally 

Drew and Alison McNally

Rhonda and Calvin McNeely

David Meyer

Jessica Murray and Robert Nassau

Thomas and Leah Neely in honor of the Price Family

The Sargent Family in memory of Sandy Sargent Holcombe

Vera and Gary Rushmer

Jeremy T. Smith

Paul Sornborger in memory of Marjorie and Victor Sornborger

James Tinney

Claudia and John Topping

Mr. and Mrs. Addison F. Vars III

Elizabeth Wilmot and Peter Adler


$500 - $999


Brad and Mary Pat Adams

Carolyn and Charles Brox

Martha Cline

Richard Haller

Margaret Hager Hart

Frederick Hager and Leslie Rowland in memory of Bronson A. Quackenbush

Jim and Cindy Kennedy

Pat and Dory Sheldon

Sheila and Don Smith

Linda and Richard Thomas

All Others


Michael and Judith Allen

Lynda and Thomas Ames

Francis N. Apel, Jr.

John Baird

Paul and Dorian Bembenista

Waring and Audrey Blackburn

Don and Linda Blauvelt

Mary M. Bouchard

Michelle and Gerald Bouchard

Suzanne Bradley

Catherine and James Breuer

Judy L. Brown

Nina and James Brown

Jan and Curt Byington

Leigh and Robert Charron

Bruce and Lynn Clouser

John and Melinda Comstock

Deborah Cook

Patricia Corey

Nancy Dauray

Pamela and John Delles

Ella Dawn Doherty

Sally and Duncan Dowling

Claire Duffy

Valerie Edminster

Eileen Eustace

Kathleen and James Fenn

Anthony and Frances Ferrari

Jean Field and Tim Redmond

Ann E. Flynn

Richard J. Fratta

Evelyn Hayes Fredericks

Ann and Royal C. Garlock

Michelle and Richard Gefell

Rita and Robert Gefell

Jane T. Gillett

Richard and Carolyn Glass

Jo Ann and Larry Golden

Kitt Goodwin

Judith and Robert Goodyear

Susan and Thomas Graham

Karen and Kenneth Green

Nicole Green

Mary Hagen

Bronson Q. Hager

Mena Hansinger

Matthew and Melissa Hartwell

Renee Heath

John and Lorraine Henderson

John and Caroline Herberger

Allen Hewitt and Donna McIntosh

Lynn Highhouse

Elizabeth and Richard Hunt

Marion and Richard Huntley

Thom and Melinda Inglehart

Robin and John Jackson

Marion and Phillip Johnson

Elizabeth Kennedy

Meredith Kennedy

Susan and Damon Kenyon

Carrie Kerr and Richard Warner

Allison and Jeff Latcheran

Marion and Russell Lee

Charles and Judith Long

Lisa and Tom Matthews

Gretchen Martelle in memory of Edward F. Martelle, Jr.

Mary Anne and Gerard McGreevy

Shauneen McNally and James Clyne, Jr.

Brad Minnick and Jaime Weinberg

Gerald J. Monaghan in memory of Gertrude Monaghan

Maria Nowling

Barbara and Bill Pack

Robert and Donna Pakan

Mary and Peter Palamar

The Parkes Family

Terry Pavone

AnnMarie and Kurt Pearson

Robert Phear

Amy and Michael Phelps

Lisa Pisiak

Jean and Harold Pray

Sandra Price

Windsor Price, Sr. in memory of Bronson Quackenbush

Howard and Stephanie Reeve

Maggie Reid

Ellen Reilly

Jason and Amanda Rhodes

Terrance M. Riley

Paul Rulison

Donald and Barbara Rumpf

Annette Salvagno

Susan and Douglas Schongalla

Richard and Barbara Schumacher

Edward Sloman

Lesley Snelling and John Bober

Kathy and Bill Sommer

Susie and John Stauffer

Candace and Michael Stedem

Brent Sweet

Harrison Sweet

Jarrett Sweet

Shaoxuan Tian

Joseph Turri

Richard Usher, Jr.

Joseph Vay and MaryBeth Robinson-Vay

Dawn and Joel Walentuk

Paul and Twyla Webb

Charlotte Wellins

Heather F. White

Brett and Betsy Williams

Joyce and Leonard Wilson

Leah Wisotsky

Rebecca and Frederick Wollin

Rebecca and Michael Wyble

Martin Yenawine